Hauntingly Halloween

Even though I celebrated Halloween in advance over the weekend, it was not truly Halloween until this week. Halloween isn’t as big of a deal among young people and adults in Denmark, so I was looking forward to experiencing it here. Seeing so many people dressed up on Tuesday, both at SFU and in the streets, children and adults alike, was a lot of fun. Additionally, there were Halloween donuts at SFU that day. On the evening of the 31st, some of the exchange students and I hosted a Halloween party. Everyone had organized entertainment and drinks, and it was great.

Wednesday was spent with having a hangover, and Thursday was spent on school and classes.

Then came Friday, which for me means weekend, since I do not have classes there. One of the Danish girls from Simon Fraser and I had planned a trip to Squamish with two of my friends from my home university in Denmark, both of whom study at the University of British Columbia. We drove north in an Evo, heading to hike up to Elfin Lakes. It was a super beautiful trip, which probably would have been even more stunning if there were fewer clouds. But a really good hike! In the evening, we had booked accommodation on a farm in Squamish, which was a very special experience. They had lots of animals, birds of all kinds, goats, dogs, rabbits, and much more. We were a bit scared of them, so it was good that we did not have to stay longer than one night. A very unique experience.

On Saturday, we drove up to Maquam Falls in Squamish. In pictures, I have seen them being very blue, but because it had snowed, the water was in full force, and it had carried a lot of soil with it, making the water completely brown. But it was still super nice. We drove the girls home via Kitsilano, passing by Jericho Beach and looking into the city.

Sunday was a study day, where there was a lot to catch up on and do ahead. In the evening, we went to have beers at Biercraft, which is the beer bar in UniverCity on Burnaby Mountain.






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