Arriving at Campus

My second weekend in Vancouver was all about moving into the school and getting used to campus life and the new surroundings. Saturday was moving day, which required a trip to Walmart. Below, you can see what my room and the view look like.

my room one
My room two
My room three

The next couple of days went by so fast. I went hiking around the University with two exchange students from Denmark, we went into Downtown Vancouver and shopped, we all had our first classes, saw the soccer-team play, eat in the dining hall – it was an amazing first week with many new impressions, which were both fantastic and overwhelming.

SFU track team
Simon Fraser University
SFU Quadrangle
SFU men's soccer team

The weekend came, and here I went whale-watching. I saw both killer whales, humpback whales, seals, and sea lions. I also took a hiking with the other exchange students from Copenhagen. We went to the Garibaldi Lake, which was very beautiful!

whale watching killerwhales
whalewatching humpback whale
Garibaldi Lake
Garibaldi Lake with trees






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