Family Is Coming To Town

We have now reached the seventh week of my stay, which is the week when my family is visiting from Denmark! Something I have been looking forward to. They arrived on Monday afternoon, and Monday evening, I went to the hotel they were staying at in Downtown to spend time with them. On Tuesday, we had a delicious breakfast at Palate Kitchen, which I can highly recommend. Then, we rented bikes and cycled around the Seawall in Stanley Park. After that, we went to Granville Island for lunch, and in the evening, we went to Gastown and had Italian food at DiBeppe – also highly recommended!

Wednesday was all about school and homework, as I had to keep up with my studies.

On Thursday, my family visited SFU. I showed them around the campus, they saw the residence where I live, and the dining hall where I eat. In the evening, we drove to Tsawwassen to catch the ferry to Vancouver Island, as we were going to spend the weekend there together. On Friday morning, we woke up in Nanaimo and took a walk around the city. Afterwards, we drove across the island and made some stops along the way. We stopped in Coombs for lunch, in MacMillan Provincial Park to see the giant redwood trees, and in Stamp River Provincial Park where we saw a lot of salmon and black bears. It was an amazing and wild experience! We ended the day in Ucluclet.

On Saturday morning, we woke up in Ucluelet, in a hotel apartment with an outdoor bathtub. That is where I started my morning, with sea lions swimming by. Then we drove to Long Beach and watched the wild waves and surfers. Unfortunately, it was raining while we where there, but I can imagine this place being so much fun and cool during the summer! We also took a walk on the Rainforest Trail. Afterwards, we drove to Tofino, had lunch, and walked around the town. As mentioned before, it was quite rainy, so in the afternoon, we returned to the apartment and warmed up by the fireplace.

On Sunday, we got up and drove to hike the Wild Pacific Trail in Ucluelet. It was very rugged terrain and incredibly beautiful! Afterwards, we drove across the island again since there are very few roads on Vancouver Island. We stopped in Coombs once again for lunch at the same place – it was Mexican food, and just as good as the first time. We kept driving until we reached Victoria in the evening, where we went out to have tapas.

As for the rest of what we did in Victoria, you will have to wait until next week’s post to hear about it! See you.






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